Yesterday I took a little trip to visit my friend The Doctor. While talking to my homeboy I shared with him that I was crazy over winter. I like to get dramatic and flop around, whining that it's ruining my life. In actuality my energy level is just a bit lower than usual and instead of doing 20 projects, I can only swing about 10 through these final months of arctic hell ( I dabble in oxymorons a bit more than usual too). So, he says to me, straight-faced, "might I suggest Light Therapy?" I waited for him to laugh and write me a script but he continued to stare. "Excuse me? Come again?" I said. He explains that Light Therapy is a common solution to winter lethargy. You wear a light hat for 30 minutes a day. He also explains that astronauts have experienced great success with it. Strangely my doc refers to astronauts and space metaphors commonly. I wish he'd just come out with it already and tell me he thinks I'm cuckoo, from another planet or somethin'. Anyway, this is an illustration from my last line. One day perhaps, a cute rocket like these will return me to my home planet. Until then, you're stuck with me.